Frequently Asked Questions

Below are some commonly asked questions relating to our services.

Please contact us to answer any other questions you may have.

1000ppm of available chlorine is appropriate for some pathogens in clean or slightly dirty conditions, but does not meet the performance criteria as set out in TGO104 Option B, which states that 5% soiling must be used in tests. For this amount of soiling a more powerful tablet is required as per Ainsworth Medical 2-in-1 Chlortabs (I will send a link for support of this statement)

No, as the 1000ppm Chlortabs are meant for disinfection after pre-cleaning or for already clean surfaces, and the same is true of the Isowipes and Isoclean products which must be used on a clean surface. The remainder of the products are all 2-in-1 cleaners/disinfectants that reduce the possibility of human error associated with precleaning and drying of the surface in question prior to treatment, as well as save time as a 2 or 3 step process is not required.

Ainsworth Medical products have the appropriate registrations with the TGA where applicable in both clean and dirty conditions (TGO104 Option B).

Our products are manufactured either in Sydney or Melbourne and are Australian owned, blended, manufactured, bottled, labelled, with only some raw materials purchased from overseas suppliers. The actual manufacture of the products takes place in Australia including the manufacture of the wipes. Many products are converted into wipes in Asia (mainly China) but claim to be Australian as the liquid may be blended in Australia, but not Ainsworth Medical.

Numerous sectors including hospitals, aged care, general healthcare settings, dental surgeries, as well as public buildings such as schools, childcare and other facilities use Ainsworth Medical products. During 2020 and the Covid-19 pandemic we supplied nearly 2 million packs of disinfectant (wipes or liquid) to many different facilities.